Tread Lightly

" If you choose to step inside my mind, I ask that you tread lightly, You can leave anytime you like, but I'm left with your footprints." Author Bobby Parent

"Stressed Spelled Backwards, is Desserts! We Can Have Cake!"
Author Bobby Parent

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lily of the Valleys ~ Song of Solomon 2:1

Lily of the Valleys ~ Song of Solomon 2:1
Lily of the Valleys ~ Song of Solomon 2:1
Shoshanna ~ Hebrew name for Susan

The new Signature for all my art work comes from the verse above; below is my study and explanation for how it came to be, on October 6, 2011.

I do not know if I can do this justice, explaining to you how excited I was yesterday, when my prayers were answered... the prayer of my heart, concerning the name and how I should/would at some point  in time, sign my art work.

I had begun using only my initials...
then to my full name...  
S Parent
but I was not completely satisfied. I had in the past thought and prayed to the Lord for a way to give Him Glory my gift and a way to evangelize with my work. I also wanted to take the attention off myself, to show humility, (knowing that He could remove the gift as quickly as He had given it to me, in other words, it was His to do with as He willed) but I wanted to turn the work of my hands back over to the Lord and bring the focus back to the Him.

Well, while visiting my daughter and her husband in North Carolina last month, I had gone with them to a "Feed the Hunger" Pack-a-thon being held at their church in their fellowship hall. While setting up for the event, I was mesmerized by the most beautiful hand-painted mural on a wall of the room. Upon careful inspection of the mural, which was magnificent, I looked for the signature of who had painted it, but instead of finding the name of a person, I found the phrase "Hidden in Christ" with a quote from Colossians, a book from the New Testament. I now, was so excited and interested in finding out who this was.

I immediately searched for my daughter to ask her who painted this masterpiece, which was, in a picture, some of the events from the Old Testament. She told me his name, which I wouldn't know, and said he always painted beautiful things, and had done this for their church as a gift. He no longer attended their church. But, I did ask her about his signature, and if he always signed all his work this way, and she replied, "Yes". I was so excited and I shared with her, how I had always wanted to do something similar and how beautifully humble, I thought his choice of signature was to the Lord and to me.

So, from that point forward, I was completely focused on praying about my signature, and what the Lord would have me use, for His Glory... a name that would bring testimony to him and give me a chance to evangelize at the same time.

After coming home, the following week, I had gone to spend time with my girlfriends, fellow artists. We had set time aside to work on whatever the Lord had put on our hearts, along with the fellowship we'd all enjoyed together.

While there yesterday, Thursday, October 6, 2011, I asked the women if they would pray for me about this name situation I've described above. They all agreed they would. Not too long, just a few minutes went by and one of my girlfriends, Pastor, Carol Shannon, said: "Song of Solomon"! I said, what? She said, yes the Book of "The Song of Solomon" in the Old Testament; that is where your name is, for your signature that you just asked us to pray for. I said, oh, how exciting! Ok, thank you!

Well, then I couldn't stop thinking about it, and was very excited. Immediately it had connected with me in my spirit and I knew she was right. I asked her if she had been given anything to go with it, knowing already it came from the Lord, did you get a specific Scripture in the book; and she said, no, that's all I got, just "Song of Solomon". So, with that, I couldn't wait to get home and start to read it and see what popped out at me, from the Lord.

And, as soon as I got home, that is exactly what I did; I opened the closest Bible I could find, right there next to me where I was sitting with my water color, I was finishing from that morning. I opened to the Book of "The Song of Solomon" and starting reading through it. I knew instantly, one thing for sure; the numbers or number (#) must be important and significant Biblically for me, as I love the study of numbers, and understand their importance in everything.

I shuffled through the pages, until I came across this verse in "The Song of Solomon 2:1", Chapter two and verse one. Yes I thought to myself, two and one, three! Perfect... (I will let you dig that meaning up for yourselves <3)
I loved it... and the Amplified Version is shown below for your convenience, which was exactly what I had been looking for. I knew it was for me.
Here is the verse in the Bible:

Song of Solomon 2:1

Amplified Bible (AMP)
 1[SHE SAID] I am only a little rose or autumn crocus of the plain of Sharon, or a [humble] lily of the valleys [that grows in deep and difficult places].

 I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself, so, I called Carol, and told her all about it; how I had found my signature, right where she said I would, in the Book of "The Song of Solomon". I thanked her, and so, Viola', further below you will find all the meanings behind my name, signature, and the verse.

I do not believe anything like this is by chance... including the fact that my mother and father named me, Susan; which in Hebrew means - Shoshanna - or Lily of the Valleys. IRONIC! By chance? No, I don't think so... then my mother came to visit today, as I am writing this; I explained all these things to her, and the meanings; I was so happy and thanked her for my name; for the first time having really understood what God had planned. As you can imagine, she was thrilled as well, and wants to start calling me "Shoshanna".
This is now, to be my new signature, from the day I found it, which was yesterday afternoon, October 6th, 2011...

Lily of the Valleys ~ Song of Solomon 2:1
Lily of the Valleys ~ Song of Solomon 2:1


Shoshannah - Hebrew name for Susan
GENDER: Feminine
USAGE: Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
OTHER SCRIPTS: שׁוֹשַׁנָּה (Hebrew)
Meaning & History (see more below)

Susan is a feminine given name, a form of Susanna, deriving originally from Middle Egyptian "sšn" (lotus flower), first reported on an 11th Dynasty sarcophagus dating from approximately 2000 B.C. However, the Hebrew root for the name for the lily, שושן is derived from the root שוש or ששנ , meaning "to be joyful, bright, or cheerful", which is the basis for the word and name ששון Sasson, meaning "joy of life*". The Persian name for lily is سوسن sausan. The name of Susa, an ancient city of Persia, may be derived from the lilies which abounded in the plain in which it was situated.

Lily of the Valley

Convallaria majalis (play /ˌkɒnvəˈlɛəriə məˈlɨs/),[1] commonly known as the lily of the valley or lily-of-the-valley, is a poisonous woodland flowering plant native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe.
It is possibly the only species in the genus Convallaria (or one of two or three, if C. keiskei and C. transcaucasica are recognised as separate species). In the APG III system, the genus is placed in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Nolinoideae (formerly the family Ruscaceae[2]). It was formerly placed in its own family Convallariaceae, or earlier, like many lilioid monocots, in the lily family Liliaceae.
A limited native population occurs in Eastern USA (Convallaria majalis var. montana).[3] There is, however, some debate as to the native status of the American variety.[4]

Here is the verse in the Bible:

Song of Solomon 2:1

Amplified Bible (AMP)
 1[SHE SAID] I am only a little rose or autumn crocus of the plain of Sharon, or a [humble] lily of the valleys [that grows in deep and difficult places].

Lily of the Valley

"Lily of the valley is known for its delicate, cup-like, pure white flowers and its light and crisp fragrance. The Beloved in Song of Solomon compares herself to one of these after she has heard her lover declare how ravished he is with her. In the spiritual sense, lily speaks of purity of heart."

1/4 oz Lily of the Valley Oil

Psalm 45:8

Amplified Bible (AMP)
8Your garments are all fragrant with myrrh, aloes, and cassia; stringed instruments make You glad.

   Spring Lily of the valley in water

It also, just happens to be that, the Lily of the Valley, is used as an anointing oil.

Christian legend

The flower is also known as Our Lady's tears, since, according to Christian legend, the lily of the valley came into being from Eve's tears after she was driven with Adam from the Garden of Eden,[12] although this seems unlikely, since in Catholic parlance, "Our Lady" refers to the Virgin Mary. Another Christian legend states that Mary's tears turned to lily of the valley when she cried at the crucifixion of Jesus, and because of this it is also known as Mary's tears. According to another legend, lilies of the valley also sprang from the blood of Saint Leonard of Noblac during his battles with a dragon.
The name "lily of the valley" is also used in some English translations of the Bible in Song of Songs 2:1, although whether or not the Hebrew word "shoshana" (usually denoting a rose) originally used there refers to this species is uncertain.
It is a symbol of humility in religious painting. Lily of the valley is considered the sign of Christ's second coming. The power of men to envision a better world was also attributed to the lily of the valley.

I find all this so very interesting... that a name, my name, has so much meaning. I am glad I pursued this and also very happy you have joined me in this venture. 

I hope you will visit again, to see what is coming next... 


I wanted to relate some interesting information on the High Feast Days that we are actually right in the midst of now, specifically the Feast of Atonement. There are three Feasts considered the Days of Awe, being The Feast of Trumpets, The Feast of Atonement and The Feast of Tabernacles, all with tremendous meaning. I do NOT want to do them any injustice, so I will defer to completing my studies, for now, but urge you to look into them yourselves. I hope to get these out to you in a timely fashion for next year. 


Blessings, Sz

Lily of the Valleys ~ Song of Solomon 2:1

If you would like to see some of the pictures I have recently added to my gallery, see my last blog of this October 2011 on the sidebar of this page, called: 

Sketching ~ Painting ~ Creating ~ I Love Art

A few more details to the actual name, Shoshonnah below...

Latin text Shoshannah
Hebrew text

  1. שׁ
  2. שׁו
  3. שׁוֹ
  4. שׁוֹשׁ
  5. שׁוֹשַׁ
  6. שׁוֹשַׁן
  7. שׁוֹשַׁנּ
  8. שׁוֹשַׁנָּ
  9. שׁוֹשַׁנָּה

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