Tread Lightly

" If you choose to step inside my mind, I ask that you tread lightly, You can leave anytime you like, but I'm left with your footprints." Author Bobby Parent

"Stressed Spelled Backwards, is Desserts! We Can Have Cake!"
Author Bobby Parent

Monday, October 3, 2011

Amtrak Train Tip to NC

Amtrak Train Tip to NC

On my way to see my grandsons, Daughter and her Husband in North Carolina!

Thinking back to my wait in the 30th Street Train Station in Philadelphia, before I got on the train, I found it very interesting to watch and listen to the people all around me. There was one man in particular who was being led to sit next to me by a Red Cap guide (Red Cap are those in the station employed to help people with bags, handicapped and the like) with a walking stick who was obviously blind. He sat right next to me...  there were conversations going on all around us. There were several people sitting with us on this bench, and all talking with one another,  I went into my people loving/analyzing/evangelical mode. As I sat there considering what if anything I wanted to say to him, I thought how interesting it was that people in general, were so easily accustomed to speaking with each other as long as there wasn't anything uncomfortable about a situation... I thought instantly, about how often we do not come out of our comfort zone and wanted to speak with him to comfort him, and make him feel accepted and loved as a person, knowing he was hearing all the conversation around him.

So, as quickly as those thoughts went through my mind, I decided I would speak with him, after praying about it I simply said, “Hi, is your train expected to depart shortly?” He immediately and politely responded to me, with a smile, “Yes, any minute, now.” I was happy that I was received, so well. I returned the comment, oh, good then you don't have a long wait... my train isn't expected for a while yet.” Then there was a minute or two, and a call was announced for a train which was about to depart, and the words, “All Aboard, last call for train #107”. He stood up so quickly, with such a look of concern on his face... stepped forward, turning his head all around as though he was looking for someone. I knew it had to have been the man/Red Cap Guide who brought him here from the start, and I started to look around for him, too, knowing this man couldn't see! The Red Cap worker was no where to be seen. The men taking the luggage for him and others were moving, as he called out to all those who were going with him, to follow along as he headed for the elevator. The man next to me, looked even more concerned, and I as well for him. Still no one coming to his aid. So, I stood up, next to him, to assure him that if he needed help I would come to his aid, and find someone for him to take him to his train, when along came the Red Cap Employee who brought him here to this seat, racing from the other side of the Hugh train station, looking directly at him, so I knew he was good to go... and before I needed to say or do anything, the two were on their way to his train. It all happened so quickly, but I was happy for him, and within myself I had been praying someone would come to him as they did. The relief in his face spoke a thousand words! Now I could relax and wait for my train. I don't know why, but it was very important to me, almost as though I was to look after him, in my heart, truly, and so I did. I sincerely believe we are our brother's keeper.

Immediately after that, three (3) little birds, another biblical number (Father, Son and Holy Spirit among other meanings), flew through the train station, and landed 20 feet in front of me. What a joy, so cute! I thought to myself, how about that, three of them, and right in front of me... what are the chances... it was as if God was delighted and wanted to share it with me. It certainly did make me joyful, so I took out my iPod to take a picture and  they were gone. I wanted to take a short video clip of them in the station, but it happened too fast.

The train station, itself, was absolutely beautiful. I love old buildings, and the ornate way they used to be built. I took some pictures of the building, and my surroundings, and before I knew it I was being escorted, to my train, as well by some friendly Red Cap workers. Again, there seemed to be a concern for a young girl who was traveling with a lot of luggage who was missing when it was time to go. She was no where to be found. The Red Cap person, was speaking to me, when he said: “ she was by herself, and we do have time; I'm just going to wait here a few more minutes to see if she shows up; I don't know where she went or why she moved! She was here the whole time until just seconds ago... maybe she's already down there, but I don't want her to miss her train.” I nodded, with a prayer in my heart. Within a few minutes, she didn't show up, and we started down the elevator to our train without her. Now I was a bit concerned, and continued as did he, to look around for her. Our friendly, Red Cap worker, after bringing us down to the train, said to me, “stay here while I take this woman down to her car, I will be right back, and if you don't mind, please keep an eye out for that young girl.” And I did... and as I watched a line of people boarding the train, the conductor asking everyone where they were headed, guiding them to which train they should be seated on, she was still nowhere to be found.

I have to admit, I became a bit concerned, also as all the passengers, around me except one, other friendly, man, and myself were seated on the bench where we were told to stay until our Red Cap helper returned. I had a tinge of fear creep in, I immediately prayed it away and took captive the thought, that I might miss the train myself, if he didn't get back here soon. But yet again, he came hurriedly toward us with a smile, and said lets go, and he took my suitcase for me, and said, “you don't have to do anything but find a seat that pleases you,” with a kind smile. What a pleasure it was in my experience there at the 30th street station.

And the, “All Aboard”, Call was give for the last time, and off we went, after I had found myself a comfortable seat. After we got going and the conductors checked my ticket, I was free to roam about the train and so I did. I headed for the dining car... which to my recollection from my only other trip on a train, to Montreal' was the most comfortable and best view. And so it was...

(much of my experience up to this point has been written after my trip, the following, during my trip in the dining car)

I am in the middle of the dining car with about eight (8) one meaning - Number of new beginnings, other people around me in these booths. Eight... I think on numbers, often. By the end of the trip we dwindled down to about four adults in the dining car who stayed throughout the trip, four (4) being another biblical number as in the four corners of the earth, winds, Angels, and so much more.

A bunny trail, here: I hope you will take these little tid bits of knowledge or as I like to say, nuggets of truth (from a studying perspective as I love to do) and dig them up for yourself. It's so interesting to me to find the meanings behind everything!

Now, as we passed the Cityscape and inner city areas, many thoughts cross my mind. How beautiful it must have been when it was first built. How many people live and work here, how the buildings are designed. I love the antiquity, nothing like the buildings today... so modern and without the unique, detailed craftsmanship of the days long past. Something about those older buildings that I just love. It's as thought they speak to me.

And then we get to the beautiful rocky areas of Pennsylvania, the rivers, streams, lakes, etc. It's very cloudy and misty outside this morning, so the view is visibly dismal, but in my mind, beautiful!

Another bunny trail... isn't it interesting how a word can bring back so many memories, or a thought, smell, picture? For me, the word, 'misty' in my last paragraph, brought back to me a song I used to sing to my children as they were growing up, and it goes like this:

“One 'Misty, Moisty Morning', when cloudy was the weather,
I chance to see an old man, clothed all in leather.
He began to compliment and I began to grin,
how do you do, how do you do, how do you do, again?”

And that was all I never knew of the song, if it was even a song... I'm not even sure... as I think to myself, I just remember, how much I enjoyed singing it them as I acted it, it out, and shook their hands at the end ~ even my children loved it... and would laugh, happily, asking me to sing it again... probably, because when I would shake their hands at the end I would do so exaggerating the shake!

OK, enough of my bunny trail and back to my journal... as I was saying:
And then we get to the beautiful rocky areas of Pennsylvania, the rivers, streams, lakes, etc. It's very cloudy and misty outside this morning, so the view is visibly dismal, but in my mind, beautiful!

Watching the scenery as we go by all these beautiful places, I see that at some point in time, a seed found its way into a cement wall in the midst of the waters, and grew into a beautiful little tree. I would like to think God put it there for me <3... and whomever else may enjoy it! A resting place for some birds on their way to wherever.

Watching people and life passing me by, in so many ways, make me think of God and how He loves His creation! His people! Very thought provoking to me.

We are stopping in Union Station Washington, shortly, with a message that we may get out and stretch our legs, but we are not to go into the station, and if we do, we do so at our own risk? Thoughts race through my mind again... the city life is not something I am used to nor do I have interest, except maybe to see a show, or the Cityscape itself, which I have not done much of. So, again, I take captive my concerned thoughts and return to a faith filled and fearless mindset... renewed by the Word of God as it is written, “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.” I am sure what was being said was, as people got off to stretch, get some fresh air, they should do so and stay close to the train, not to get lost in the large station and get mixed up in the rush, or they may miss their ride not getting back on our train in time.

When I went back to my seat after a short stop at Union Station the woman sitting next to me, (before, when I first got my seat on the train, was very quiet and turned away to the window) and was humming and singing. I listened for a while, then politely asked her:; “Excuse me, miss, I'm sorry, but would you mind telling me what you're singing? It's so beautiful!” She, very sweetly and kindly answered, “Gospel Music, It's about Peace The Lord giving you Peace in the midst of the Storm, in Spanish. (and she smiled)” I told her thank you, and that was it! She went back to her music, and I to mine. How interesting, that The Lord would sit me next to a Christian... No conversation to speak of, just the reassurance from The Lord to me... that He is in Control, and as I said to her: “Amen, He does give us peace that passes all understanding!” Only The Lord and I would know what that meant to me; having spent the night before tossing and turning, not being able to sleep until I prayed almost through the night, about everything and everyone... He is so Good! Glory to God.

Next Stop ~ Quantico, Virginia, across from a Marine Corp Station, it's so pretty here from what I can see, with beautiful lakes and hills, a small quaint town. Moving on to Fredericksburg,Virginia... I begin thinking about where it was my mom lived with her parents, for a while, here in Virginia. I remember stories of how they moved here, my grandfather building their house... and my mom's telling me about her being a little girl, going to the top of the mountain and singing her heart out, knowing that the birds were taking her songs to Jesus. Another story I remember is about how she had a swimming hole on their property and had done some swimming often, with snakes all around them! I love learning about our ancestors, and researching all about those things, what great memories!

After, Fredericksburg, VA we were one hour from Richmond, Virginia. We were told at one point that the dining car would be closed for a short time, and would re-open later, and could return at that point.
And, interestingly enough, while trying to take a picture of a small town train station, with cars waiting, I got the beginning of the sign with the name of it's town... which just happens to be my husband's name, Fred... Fredericksburg! I love it, and didn't see it until I got to my destination, and was reviewing the pictures.
Here it is, below:

And, it's that time again, so I came back to the dining car for me as soon as it opened! More beautiful views... and some interesting people, too... One man who was here the first time this morning with me, and again, now... I did not hear him speak until this time, with quite a thick accent, and one I've not heard often around our way. We both went directly up to the counter for our lunch orders at which point I asked him where he was from, and he replied to me,“I am on Holiday from Africa; I am here for two weeks, and have had a very nice time.” He was very interesting and friendly to talk with which made my ride all the more interesting and enjoyable.

So many more little stops along the way where I took some great little video clips and pictures, the small towns were so quaint, and pretty, with some beautiful old farms, and beautiful new developed area's as well. And, all the way to North Carolina, in Burlington, where my stop was, there was so much to see, what a ride! Every moment so enjoyable... even up to the very end, meeting a happy little guy of only 12 years old, so intelligent... traveling alone, with so much to say as we (a woman I also just met as I waited for our stop) talked with him for those last 20 minutes as the train was delayed yet again only ten minutes from my destination.

Arriving at my stop I saw my two grandsons and son-in-law, peering through the train station waiting for me to get off the train. What a picture, which will ever be in my mind, precious! I see it in my mind right now even as I finish writing this several days later, from home after a beautiful week with my family.

After getting to my daughter's home, I uploaded some of the pictures I had taken during this trip and to my surprise and delight, I had taken one that normally would be considered a dud, because I had intended it to be a picture of cars waiting at one of the train stops in Fredericksburg, with the railroad sign... but, when I saw how the picture had turned out, it missed what I was trying to focus on because of the movement of the train, and instead got only the first four letters of the word in the sign of the town... which happen to be my husband's nickname, Fred! What a beautiful way of remembering my husband during my little journey...

I enjoyed writing this blog both now and during the 11 hours it took me to get there as much as I enjoyed the railways, people and scenery, itself. We had a great week, I got to spend time with my grandsons, laughing and having too much fun; enjoyed homeschooling with them; soccer games; play dates; meeting new, old friends who now have with children of their own; eating out; NDI's Packathon for “Feed the Hunger”; birthday parties; and lots of fun, with an exciting surprise from Grandfather, my hubby, for the boys he showed up in time for the birthday day lunch and party. I spent some quality time with my family, and enjoyed yet again, time with my son-in-law's parents, what a treat! Well I had a wonderful time, and hope you enjoyed it with me!

What a beautiful time I had while in North Carolina ~ September 27th through October 1st of 2011 9:08am
I can't wait to share with you all about the Packathon Ministry for “Feed the Hunger” I was blessed to be a part of as a surprise from my children! Look for it in an upcoming post.

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