Tread Lightly

" If you choose to step inside my mind, I ask that you tread lightly, You can leave anytime you like, but I'm left with your footprints." Author Bobby Parent

"Stressed Spelled Backwards, is Desserts! We Can Have Cake!"
Author Bobby Parent

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Feed the Hunger - Shine Video

Feed the Hunger

It's More Than A Meal

"This music video is set to the song, “Shine” by recording artist, Sharif Iman. It shows the journey of the nutritious food that volunteers in America pack to the mouths of at-risk children overseas. You can be a part of this rewarding process through 
Feed the Hunger!"

Recently, I have had the privilege of being a part of a Pack-A-Thon, in Burlington, North Carolina. While visiting my children, thanks to their church, Antioch Community church, for hosting a Pack-A-Thon; I was able to see this astounding ministry in action.  

Below is a copy of an email giving thanks to all who worked at this particular Pack-A-Thon:
"Thank you!"
"Special greetings to all those that participated in our Pack-A-Thon at Antioch Community Church in Elon, NC this past week. Thank you for your prayers, giving, and participating to make this event a huge success. Special thanks to Antioch Community Church for being wonderful hosts. During our packing event God enabled us to pack 21,384 meals!  Thank you for helping us reach this amount!

This nutritious food will be life saving for over 5,000 children in our Feed the Hunger program.   These meals will also enable these children to learn in a Christ-centered environment.  What you were a part of will outlive you because this effort was more than a meal!  These children will gain in health, knowledge, and character as they chase after their dreams because of your support.

Conveniently located in the area, we welcome your help in making all events - big and small - possible.  We will be having several events in North Carolina in 2011 and 2012, and we invite you to check out our website for a full list of events. Please contact us if you would like to be a part of another event. Until the next event, here are four simple ways you can help Feed the Hunger:"

"- Text FEED1 to 85944 on your cell phone to donate $10 to care for a child for a month. Your tax deductible gift will show on your next cell phone bill.
- Follow  Feed the Hunger on Facebook and Twitter.
- Give us your feedback.  You can post your feedback on our Feed The Hunger Facebook or Twitter page or you can send an email with your remarks to
- Recommend our Pack-A-Thons to your friends."

Thanks again for your hard work in helping Feed the Hunger pack 21,384 fully nutritious meals for starving children around the world!

Because it's more than a meal,
Scott Hahn signature

Scott Hahn
Pack-A-Thon Director

Donate here to Feed the Hunger

Copyright © 2011 New Directions International, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is: 

New Directions International
P.O. Box 2347
BurlingtonNC 27216-2347
Next Locl Packing event will be December 9-10, 2011
This will be our Holy Hill Mall Pack-A-Thon.
For more information call us at 1.888.772.9634 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            1.888.772.9634      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

This ministry is near and dear to my heart for so many reasons, one being Scott Hahn is my son-in-law; and I know, first hand this food is going where it says it is going... and in a timely fashion... Praise the Lord!

I can't express the joy I have knowing the donations and time spent towards these things are appreciated on so many levels.

Thank you, for visiting with me here, today, and I hope this has touched your heart as it has mine. 

Below are some pictures of the Pack-A-Thon I took part in last month in Burlington, NC. 

God Bless you,
Lily of the Valleys ~ Song of Solomon 2:1

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