Morning After Irene & The Winds are Still Blowing
LUKE 8: 24 And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm. 25 But He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and marveled, saying to one another, “Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey HIM... "
The Morning after the Storm, a walk around our home... Thank the LORD for answered prayer as we are grateful that none of the trees around our home fell, family members are safe and no tornadoes... we came out on the other side a bit tired and bodies feeling the pain of some extra work, but all things aside... Blessed to be, for the most part, GOOD!
We still have some clean-up to do, with our crawl space being flooded from loss of power for a little over 12 hours and much needed rest from our much anticipated expectations... and we thank the LORD did NOT take place! The Worst is over and I have taken some pictures and video's of the morning after.
I was happy to see the hummingbirds were out, chickens happy and pets all sleeping from a long, windy, howling, rainy night.
As I took a walk around our property doing damage control... I was pleased to see that the most we had were a few leaves and small branches, even though the winds are still blowing at a good clip even now... quite a few hours after the eye passed by us. We are having the Southern most bands of winds and gusts going through and still praying our trees stay in the ground where they belong! With there being so much moisture in the ground and living in a high water table area with lakes and streams all around us, I consider ourselves blessed to come through this untouched!
Another day to enjoy staying inside as we are told to do from the authorities, so they can do they're job... while still reporting some increased flooding possible along with the winds and some trees still falling in some areas.
Thanks for stopping by, and I pray you are all well... and have also come out untouched for the most part after the Storm of all Storms as they were calling it yesterday all over the news and from what I am seeing on the News, still going on up the North East.
Blessings, Sz
PS if you would like to check out my pictures and video's, they are below ~ Enjoy!
From around our home, taking pictures, videos of property and pets <3 and some unexpected visitors from our hummingbirds <3
In the video's you can hear the WINDS still howling!
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