Tread Lightly

" If you choose to step inside my mind, I ask that you tread lightly, You can leave anytime you like, but I'm left with your footprints." Author Bobby Parent

"Stressed Spelled Backwards, is Desserts! We Can Have Cake!"
Author Bobby Parent

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Am Free by Marie Sgro

I AM FREE, is a poem that my friend, Marie wrote and shared with me today; I was given permission to share, with you, this work of love. My prayer is that you would be blessed and ministered to as I was when I read it, and ultimately, that it would cause you to dig deep into your hearts and continue the search for the Love of our lives, Jesus Christ, our Saviour!

I hope to be sharing more of her work with you as the days progress, Titus 2:13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. I think many of you will be able to relate to it in some way. Enjoy! 

With Warmest Regards, SZ <3
And now, here is Marie's Post:

Worn and weary; broken in spirit, body and mind
Outwardly disguising what none can see
Making myself less than nothing
As I relive past hurts done to me

Not able to release the pain I feel
Though time after time I have tried
Hoping for someone to take my hand
Or to hear and see the many tears I've cried

Until this moment, I have lived broken and defeated
Awash in the pain of my past
Retaining the spirit of helplessness and hopelessness
thank You, Lord, I can claim the victory at last

Looking to Jesus, Who will help me to stand
On His Word that is mighty and true
Only Jesus can loosen the bondage I bear
Sustain me, and carry me through

Evil shall disburse at the sound of His name
Demons will tremble and flee
Thank You, O God, for the Blood of the Lamb
It has cleansed me and now I am free!
by Marie Sgro

Thanks Marie

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