Tread Lightly

" If you choose to step inside my mind, I ask that you tread lightly, You can leave anytime you like, but I'm left with your footprints." Author Bobby Parent

"Stressed Spelled Backwards, is Desserts! We Can Have Cake!"
Author Bobby Parent

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding of Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge And My Bishop Family Tree Research with Blazon of Arms

Royal Wedding of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Today, Friday, April 29, 2011 Prince William and Princess Catherine
 My Bishop Family Tree Research with Blazon of Arms
Royal Wedding ~ London, England 
<3 Prince, William Arthur Phillip Louie and Princess, Catherine Middleton now Duchess of Cambridge and Duke of Cambridge ♥
The Royal Wedding ~ Duke of Cambridge Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge Princess Catherine was captured by me this morning with my camera as I watched the beautiful ceremony on TV.
It has so much personal meaning to me, because of my family tree that I have been working on for years now... So, everything about the Royal family and the details surrounding them in London, England become very exciting to me. The more I research the more I find! Just can't stop; I love my Family Tree Research project!. 
I have not yet been able to personally visit London, England where my Grandfather was born and raised.
I have done as much research here in the states possible... and have found a great deal of information, including his mother, sister, wife, former home addresses, travel documents on ships, and business partners and more. 
This leaves me feeling so thrilling that I want to go back in time to find more wonderful things. 
My great-grandfather was an inventor in England, and I was able to find most of his inventions, print them out and their details, including the drawings submitted by him along with the acceptance letters from England.
So, you can see why the Royal Wedding had such an effect on me <3
The stories my grandmother, Aunts and mother told and continue to tell me, about my grandfather, are so interesting I can never get enough... He spoke 7 different languages fluently, He was educated all over the world, including, his home country of England, Spain, Canada and the United States. He ended up staying in the United States after visiting a few times and when he came over and met my grandmother, she told me that he had his Blazon of Arms on every piece of clothing he owned, even his undergarments. He was very humble and a very motivated businessman. 
His family was supposed to have been something important, which is what I am trying to get to the bottom of.
Unfortunately, the church with some of his records were destroyed in a fire so we don't have all the pieces, so I am making a plea for help to those of you that might be able to help, I would really appreciate your input... anything you could add would be greatly helpful to me. My grandfathers name is: Percival Fredrick Hadley Harrison Du er Bishop... if anyone knows anything that might help with my research, please leave me a comment at the end of this post <3 thank you <3!
One day, Lord willing, I hope to go and do the research in England and find as much as possible and visit all the places he talked about loving, like Piccadilly Circus area <3!
We know for sure that he did receive an invitation to the Queen's (Queen Elizabeth) Coronation. My mother and uncles as well as my grandmother remember the invitation and what it said in so many words: Hello Fred, (the invitation paragraph) then signed Lord so and so ~ and in a very personal way, it said under that, Fred, Hope to see you there <3! My Cousin still has the invitation, unfortunately, my grandfather had already passed away when it had arrived. ;(
I have done some research and already received answers from England with their waxed stamp!
Those in charge of preparing these types of gatherings when I sent my letter are going to be returning the List of those invited to the Queen's Coronation to me, as well as others question I had, including a copy of the invitation to my grandfather.
 I sent Proof  along with his Blazon of Arms. I am very excited about that part of it, because when I confirm this final detail, they will also establish the Blazon of Arms to my name and cousins as well... as it can be handed down to the family members... I've been told.
I have attached a picture of our "Bishop Family Blazon of Arms" along with questions and definitions of some of the details on the Picture. I am still trying to discover the meaning behind the banner words: "Sic Saxon Furmon"
As a child, I remember my grandmother, telling me all about my grandfather, and their time together,  how they met... it was like a fairy tail. My grandfather was a tap dancer and producer when he came to the United States, on Broadway, and met my grandmother, there, who was a Prima Ballerina. He pretty much, swept her off her feet. He was 20 years older than she, and had Dark Wavy hair...I have found pictures of him during a show they were performing. One story told to me is of my grandfather having to visit his mother, and walking down a very long hallway to see her, as she sat on a chair at the end of it... and being raised by nanny's not seeing his mother often. Some other stories, are of his love of traveling and his acting/tap dancing career. Some of his friends and neighbors during his career in New York City were the Johnson and Johnson family (Baby powder co.) and Ozzie & Harriet show... actors... and more. When I think of all they went through and then to have lost so much during the depression, and still picking himself up and moving forward... raising a family, and leaving show business to care for his family... he worked in other areas and was very creative in his love and passion for life. His family had something to do with The Houston Post, and Du er Whiskey Co. and he Loved Bull fighting, as he would talk of Spain a lot, to my grandmother and his love of that country. I never tired of listening to my grandmother tell me about their lives together... and how important the proper way was to him, the children never came to the dinner table in regular clothes, they had to be dressed for the meal... and NO ONE would ever raised their voice. It was not proper, he would say. His boys had to call him Sir... and well the girls, there were two of them and they were daddy's little girls.... and he promised to take my mother to Spain and watch the Bull fights, before he passed on, never got the chance, sadly. But her memories are wonderful, she remembers him teaching her to play the castanets and Spanish dancing. And growing up, my grandmother taught me to tap dance and also some ballet... she was amazing, and could still do some amazing movements even as a grandmother, she was so limber !!! I LOVE having that memory of them.
Anyway, all that to say, I was so completely mesmerized with the Royal wedding today I had to video it and download it to my PC.There are 5 Video's in all... from the very beginning of the wedding to the traditional kiss at the end. They turned out pretty good considering all I had was my little camera...
They will be labeled in order below for your convenience.
Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you stop in again <3
There are several other articles I have posted in the archives at the side bar of this page, you can go through to see if there is anything that might catch your fancy... I would love to have you return, and become a follower if you're interested<3 then you can get a new post whenever I post, to your email... or just bookmark the website <3
OK, here is the Picture of William and Cate before the wedding:
 Here are the Videos in their sequence:  
<3 To see all video's of the Royal Wedding go to the bottom of this page  <3
Video's of family, friends and some dignitaries going into the church and the actual church ceremony:  Review of the Royal Wedding from Inside Edition Channel 25 Verizon 1st video 1-4
Crowds await the KISS: <3

Hope you enjoyed and maybe, help me with my search, too <3

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