Tread Lightly

" If you choose to step inside my mind, I ask that you tread lightly, You can leave anytime you like, but I'm left with your footprints." Author Bobby Parent

"Stressed Spelled Backwards, is Desserts! We Can Have Cake!"
Author Bobby Parent

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Matthew 5 and The Beatitudes

Matthew 5 and The Beatitudes

(A few of my thoughts before the actual study)

This is my personal Bible study on the Beatitudes, in chapter five in Matthew. Mu intention is to brake it down, taking it slow so that can go to the original language spoken for it's definition. I've been told and also read that the Jewish, Hebrew Greek languages are so different in so many ways, for example: it is a picturesque language, and there are just some words, that cannot be translated... therefore I feel the need to go to several translations as well to make it perfectly clear to the best of my ability, helping to make the translation, or transliteration of some verses and words in the Bible, so clear that by His Holy Spirit, will be able to find what it is that I am looking for and also, to gain revelation from reading as I go along... and learning to hear HIS still small VOICE from HIS WORD, which is LOVE.

I believe this is so very important which, in fact, this is my ultimate goal. To understand the WORD of GOD the way the writer, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote it, through men, chosen by God, Himself... giving me the Wisdom, Guidance, Knowledge, Understanding, and Discernment, that I need to get through my life on a daily basis.

Taking all this into consideration, if you would just bear with me as I go through my study this way, hoping then, to also be able to share it with others... and make it mine, planted as a seed, rooted deeply, so that I will be able to walk by faith and not by sight; so that I will be able to live being led only, by HIS HOLY SPIRT, and not by my flesh.

God is Love, I want to portray that in my life every day, so that when someone looks at me, they don't see Susie, they see a woman of GOD transformed by the renewing of her mind, studying the WORD, showing herself/myself, a workman, rightly dividing the WORD OF TRUTH.

It is so important for me personally, I take this very seriously, my studies, and my walk with Christ as a new creation in Him... without His righteousness, I am nothing, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and intend to work out my own salvation, growing in faith, praying for hope, and speaking words that only encourage and lift up the hearers, leading people to Christ, so that all would see ONLY HIS LOVE In me, and not me... but the Susie Parent, that is a sinner, just forgiven by HIS UNMERRITED GRACE and FAVOR. Glory to God, and Thank you, Jesus that I am able, to daily go now, to the Throne of Grace and repent, turn from my sins, and forgive other, loving them along the journey He has chosen for me, here on this earth.
We are here today and gone tomorrow as it is written, like a blade of grass.

He is coming again, and said will He find any faith when He returns? I want to say YES, Lord... Here I am, send me.

I have a great desire for souls, evangelism and intercession. I believe the WORD for what it is and says. I thank God for His Word and Grace and believe that no matter what we are living, or going through, (because everyone is going through something, some worse than others) we have Joy unspeakable and Peace that passes all human understanding. Which, if we Obey, Him, and cleave to Him and His Word, Statutes, that He will protect us.

Lastly, before I actually get started in this study, another reason I feel so strongly about studying the WORD for myself, and is written that the enemy can come on as an angel of light, and the WORD of GOD if not praying while you are reading making it your worship, I would even to as far to say, believing that with all of my being. The demons believe and tremble, as it is written, therefore, we must not only believe, but as it is translated/defined in the Greek ~ trust, believe, rely on and put into action in our lives. His WORD, being led by HIS HOLY SPIRIT and not our flesh, so that we can have the gifts, benefits, and blessings that are HIS promises for all who would come and answer HIS call... Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. He loves us/you, so much that HE (John 3:16) died for us so that we could live, taking on our sin, the fore becoming our righteousness... so that we would some day, at our appointed time, meet Him and rule and reign with Him in eternal life.

I don't know about you, but that excites me, and I love every thing in this book... I have been reading and studying now for over 35 years, and I am still finding new things HE is teaching me in HIS WORD.
His Word is LIFE. It's alive and real and can touch your life and give you hope, because as it is also written in Proverbs, hope deferred makes the heart sick. God doesn't want us live in despair, or hopelessness. He wants us to be happy, and have a good life. He created us, He knows what is good and bad for us, and the handbook for this life of ours, is in fact, The One and Only Bible... 66 books, written by and inspired by the Holy Spirit, for our guidance. When He left us to sit at the right hand of the Father of Mercies, He sent to us The Comforter to lead us into all truth... We are not left orphans... that is where, prayer and the Bible come in and why it is so important to read, study, and listen to when preached. (testing every spirit, because not all are from Him) even those things He teaches us, from the simplest to the most difficult things we could possibly be living, there is an answer for us, yes, everyone of us, in HIS WORD. Trust Him, He loves you and wants to share His Love with you and your family..

We can have HIS Joy Unspeakable and understand and be warned of all things, as it is also written, all we have to do is make ourselves available to him; He is waiting at the door of every heart waiting to be invited into your hearts... Nothing is by compulsion, everything by Grace... He is a Gentleman, Meek, yet like a Lion of Judah... roaring, speaking out the Truth for all who will listen, obey and come into the fold, which HE will accept (you) as one of HIS own, immediately, and throw all your past into the sea of forgetfulness as though they had never existed, completely blotted out... all you have to do is forgive yourself and follow HIM.

I hope you take this free gift for yourself, I know HE wants you to and all the Angels rejoice in heaven at the repentance and salvation of every soul here on earth. Rejoice, again I say rejoice... today is the day of salvation, don't let it pass you by... Today is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

This day, I have chosen life; we have a choice, life and death, I choose life... It's written, death and life are held in the power of the tongue. James talks about the tongue and how dangerous such a small thing is, and our words, all throughout the Bible are also so important. No unwholesome word should come out of our mouths... does salt and fresh water come from the same fountain, or two different fruits from one tree? no... He does not want us to be lukewarm, but hot or cold.

Ultimately, for myself I want to continue learning with HIS Help, and apply it to my life today and everyday... Growing in Him, God, The Father, In The Name of Jesus of Nazareth. I believe and have such a strong desire, zeal and love for the WORD of GOD, that I want to dig deep, to find what The Holy Spirit has for me daily in these studies. I want to hear His Still Small Voice, be obedient to the direction I go and how far in depth I do for each day.
So, all that being said, I pray you will not only take time for yourselves to check these things out but enjoy what I have shared, and then share it with others, because that is what my heart is in this for, reaching out for others to touch them with the Love of God... Thank you, for stopping by...