Tread Lightly

" If you choose to step inside my mind, I ask that you tread lightly, You can leave anytime you like, but I'm left with your footprints." Author Bobby Parent

"Stressed Spelled Backwards, is Desserts! We Can Have Cake!"
Author Bobby Parent

Thursday, December 1, 2011

In the Still of the Night or in Hard Times ~ What is God Saying to You

In the Still of the Night or in Hard Times 
 What is God Saying to You

Just a Word of Encouragement

What are you going through right now during this season in your life? We are in the midst of the Holidays, from what ever background/religion you find yourself, Our God, is not partial and all are welcome, come as you are. For many people the Christmas season or holidays are the hardest of times... He understands and GOD is Here for you, Jesus the Christ Died and paid the price for you and is just waiting for you to come to Him, invite him into your heart, and He is ready to take your burden from you and help you right where you are. He said come to Me all you who are weary and I will give you rest. Put your life at the cross and give Him your heart. It is also written that He will give you the desires of your heart. And that you can do all things through Christ, Jesus who strengthens you. He can give you a peace that passes all human understanding and joy unspeakable...  miraculously, you will find peace and joy in Him even in the most difficult situations.

Are you feeling inadequate, looking for a job that has taken too long to find, financially bound, physically ill or a debilitating, disabling disease or condition, depressed, trying to make a decision without any clear vision,  or just down right in a rut... what ever your area of need is, do you need help? He is here for you.

God Does See Your area of need and knows your prayers and heart before you even ask Him

Are your needs, Emotional, Physical, Financial, Jobs, Family relationships or fill in the blank_____________________________________ . It's between you and Him.

 GOD IS LOVE and He Does Care About You

How do we answer these and so many other questions that plague us, especially during these very passionate and emotional times in our lives? God has answers to all these questions if we are willing to open our hearts to him so we can hear what He is saying to us. His Word gives us all we need for guidance to these and many other questions.

After coming to this point in our lives where we have made the decision to let Him come into our lives and help us, guide us, take the reigns as I like to say... it's easier that you might think. The Word teaches us, after inviting Him in, and reading it to find out who He is to us, He gives us miraculous understanding as His Word comes alive for us, specific to us in our own personal lives. You will be amazed at the things you will read that have immediate application for your life both now and for your future. It is also written that He has a plan and a future for us. Do you want to know what that is? Just read His Word and He will show you by His Holy Spirit. Those who worship Him worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. The truth will set you free after finding it in His Word. He will help you to uncover the truth as you read and bring your mindset into the path of the righteousness of Christ through Whom you can become. He will give you all the tools you need to find your way in this world and the next... Yes, the Next world is coming, we are givin eternal life when we live in Him. We become new creations, and He helps us along this journey finding our way, not blind but with vision, His vision for us. He will show you how to see yourself through His eyes, and gently guide you into that truth and life renewing your minds with the Word which will be your life's Passion as you will come to know and appreciate... giving Him all the glory which He is due.

 He reads our hearts and minds, and His still small voice, speaks to our spirits, to let us know what He wants from us and for us, if we are listening. When praying, also give some time to meditate on His Words that you have hidden in your heart and then give Him time to speak to you in your heart and spirit. Be quiet before Him and rest in Him. 

He speaks to us out of His Word. So, you must, read it to hear what He is saying to you... then be still and know that He is God. Go into your prayer closet and speak to Him as if you were speaking to your best friend, mother, father... whoever it is you feel closest to hear on this earth to share things with... and just talk, to Him. If there isn't anyone here on this earth, then you are in the right place, because He is just waiting to listen to you, and hear all about your life and what you are doing and help you with your life and plans. He will guide and direct you with His Holy Spirit with Counsel, from the Great Counselor, The Holy Spirit, which is why He sent Him when HE/Jesus said, I go but send the Comforter to you, and He can not come unless I go...

He is our Comforter and yes, we can have joy even during hard times, because He give us Joy unspeakable. He gives us Peace that passes all human understanding when we read His word and pray, speaking His Words which have power. It may seem hard to believe or understand, but from personal experience, there is no way to explain what God can do and has done, and will continue to do in your lives when He comes in and takes over for you. It is also written that He will give His angels charge over you and they are there to (among other things) take the spoken Word that is written and run with it... as it says in Isaiah... The Word does not come back to Him without accomplishing what he sent it forth to do.

When you do give Him the reigns to your life, you won't have to be anxious for anything. See my last post on Laying Aside Every Weight, for scriptures and personal study in this area.

Go to and for a word study on what ever it is you are going through. Type in a word, like fear, anxious, faith, love, forgiveness, husband, wife, children or marriage. Whatever your needs are, go to Him with it in His Word and see what He has to say about it... and then as I said above, go to your prayer closet and wait on Him for an answer after meditating on those verses He leads you to. 

He is a Big God and Can Handle whatever it is that you are going through! He Loves you unconditionally!

Trust Him with your life ~ Give it over to Him, let go and let God. Do not put Him in a box and expect that He will do something that you have seen Him do in someone else's life. You are an individual. He is a creative God; just look at this world we are living in and all His creation. 

He Never Sleeps Or Slumbers ~ He is waiting to hear from you even in the midst of your sleepless nights.

He is a loving and forgiving God. Tell Him your hurts, and He will guide you through carrying you all the way. 

When you do hear from Him, and you will know when you do, listen to Him and do it His way not yours. You won't be sorry. Sometimes it seems to difficult to do things His way at first, if you are not used to giving up your will to Him. But with time and practice, you will find He has your best interest at heart and All things will turn out for the good for all those who are the called by His Name in Christ Jesus. Even things you just didn't get right and wished you had, He can turn those things around and make the best of them. 

I am praying and thinking of you as you read this, know that you have the greatest Intercessor, Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father, praying and interceding for you on your behalf when you accept Him into your life. He prayed for you in John chapter 17, yes you... all those years ago, when He prayed to the Father, before His death and resurrection. Trust Him, have Faith in Him, rely on Him, He will not disappoint you. Give Him your heart and all that is in it. Don't leave out any dark corner, He sees it anyway... it just makes it easier if you give it all right from the start. He created you and knew you from the beginning, even in the womb. He knows how to help you and give you the love you desire. 

May the Lord Bless you and Keep you and Make His Face to Shine upon you and give you Peace.


Oh Holy Night- Carrie Underwood

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