Running Your Race
As my heart began thinking on these things, and the race we are running, I started researching some verses to go along with it. Upon reading some of the ones in the very beginning, it occurred to me, (I believe, not by chance, but by the nudging of the Holy Spirit) to write His Words alone! I have added a few personal notes in between, here and there, and a personal note at the end.
So, here you go... I could not, cannot, would never be able to say it any better than our LORD, our GOD and Saviour, JESUS THE CHRIST, and our HOLY SPIRIT already did in HIS WORD... the VERY WORD, Jesus Christ who became flesh and dwelt among us...
John 1:14
And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth.
There are so many things I would like to say about running the race and laying aside every weight that entangles us... because that is really what this is all about, when we follow after HIM. There can be and are so many distractions in this life.
My words hold no weight, but His Word is alive, so I will share just a few of the many I could have chosen that help me, personally to get through this journey. We are all called into our own walk with Him as we walk along family, friends, and others we've just been acquainted with along the way; but we do, in fact, affect other lives on our journey. My prayer is to walk in a way that would not grieve the Holy Spirit.
If you've heard nothing else, please hear this... We are all in this together... and it is a work in progress. We all make mistakes but we can move forward, with His help; but we are given a second chance with HIM, Jesus Christ. He has made all things right and will help us through if we will just let HIM. We are growing from Glory to Glory and seated in Heavenly places with Him... let Him guide your walk... let Him take the reigns of your life, and you will not be sorry. Of course, it will not always be easy but it will give you peace that surpasses all human understanding.
Before I continue, I would like to say that I have been married for 29 plus years, with grown, married children and grandchildren. I have been along the way both a working and a stay at home mom throughout many years. At this point in my life, I am an empty nester. Daily I am reminded to pray and heavily relied on the Bible. It is my FOOD, my spiritual food. Without food we are not sustained. Even our Spirits need food. Proverbs chapter 31 as a mom and wife have taught me so much, and the daily study the Word for myself. I was born and raise a Christian, but before I came to the understanding that I couldn't do this myself, (I never really understood or read the Bible) I didn't know or understand how important His Word was. There isn't one day that goes by now, since I have made Jesus Christ the Lord over all areas of my life and invited Him into to take the reigns, that I haven't been thankful, grateful and felt the Grace that Only HE can provide to sustain me in this life.
There is not one day that passes that I have not learned something new from His Word... It really is amazing to me that after all these years of reading and studying the Bible that there are still new things there for me to learn and grow in, even things I haven't seen before have just jumped off the pages. (even though I've many times over read the whole thing through)
I write this during a trial in my own life, among many trials we do go through and will continue to go through; I am praying, studying and talking with you, all the while being reminding, myself of HIS grace and unconditional love along with His Promises. His Word is full of Promises for us. I hope you will take the time to search out the ones that apply to your life now. There is something for everyone for every period of time in each one of our lives.