Some Pictures of Kimmi with a few family members and her son, Nathan.
If you would like to see more; if you would like to see more Pictures and Songs she sang, check out the Memorial I posted of Her This Summer of 2018, just passed the anniversary of her passing on
to be with the LORD ~ Oh, How I miss you,
"My Kimmi, My BabyGirl!" (Actually the name of the Post) Love Mommy
Thank you for the comment, to post more of Kimmi.
FYI reason for more of her now in this older post.
Kimmi Painted this on her wall (I loved giving my children freedom to advance the gifts they loved, found to excel in to further their joy and talent!
Day 1. ~ A picture of yourself with 15 facts.
Day 2. ~ A picture of you and a person you have been close with for a while.
Day 3. ~ A picture of the cast of your favorite show.
Day 4. ~ A habit you wish you didn't have...
Day 5. ~ A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 6. ~ A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 7. ~ A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 8. ~ A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 9. ~ A picture of a person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10. ~ A picture of the person you'd do the most crazy things with.
Day 11. ~ A picture of something you do not like.
Day 12. ~ A picture of something you love.
Day 13. ~ A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14. ~ A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15. ~ A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16. ~ A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17. ~ A picture of someone who's made a hugh impact in your life recently
Day 18. ~ A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19. ~ A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20. ~ A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 21. ~ A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22. ~ A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23. ~ A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24. ~ A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25. ~ A picture of your day.
Day 26. ~ A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27. ~ A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28. ~ A picture of something you're afraid of.
Day 29. ~ A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30. ~ A picture of someone you miss.
And so, these are the 30 days of things to post... and I will post a comment about it under each picture/day.
Susie <3
Day 1. ~ A picture of yourself with 15 facts.
1. ~ I am a Spirit filled, born again Christian.
2. ~ I try to live as a witness for Jesus Christ.
3. ~ I am married with children & grandchildren.
4. ~ I try daily renewing my mind in the Word.
5. ~ I live in a Pine grove & love nature.
6. ~ I love being retired & home with my hubby.
7. ~ I love electronics and technology.
8. ~ I read every day.
9. ~ I have a dog named "Princess Von Parent", a Black Cocker Spaniel with white markings under her neck and on her chest with deep blue eyes.
10. ~ I have 2 cats, Snigglefritz the older one & dominant & Tiger, my prince.
11. ~ I have 2 chickens & one beautiful white Rooster, free reign, organic.
12. ~ I have deer walking through our yard daily, that bring me joy.
13. ~ I am working on my family tree for all sides of my family for years now.
14. ~ I am a mix of Italian, Polish, English & Jewish.
15. ~ I love being a servant of my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.
Day 2. ~ A picture of you and a person you have been close with for a while.
2. ~ I try to live as a witness for Jesus Christ.
3. ~ I am married with children & grandchildren.
4. ~ I try daily renewing my mind in the Word.
5. ~ I live in a Pine grove & love nature.
6. ~ I love being retired & home with my hubby.
7. ~ I love electronics and technology.
8. ~ I read every day.
9. ~ I have a dog named "Princess Von Parent", a Black Cocker Spaniel with white markings under her neck and on her chest with deep blue eyes.
10. ~ I have 2 cats, Snigglefritz the older one & dominant & Tiger, my prince.
11. ~ I have 2 chickens & one beautiful white Rooster, free reign, organic.
12. ~ I have deer walking through our yard daily, that bring me joy.
13. ~ I am working on my family tree for all sides of my family for years now.
14. ~ I am a mix of Italian, Polish, English & Jewish.
15. ~ I love being a servant of my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.
Day 2. ~ A picture of you and a person you have been close with for a while.
This is a picture of my mom <3. It goes without saying she is the person in my life that I have been closest to for not just a while but for my whole life.
She is my best friend and one of the most important people and influences in my life. She taught me to love unconditional and to forgive immediately. She read the Proverbs to me growing up & taught me to be strong. She said many things to me over the years, but the one I remember and quote often, is: "you can do anything you put your mind to". She sang to me as a child when I was sick, which was often... and even when I was not sick. I grew up with the sounds of my mothers voice singing each morning... I loved it... and made it a part of my life as I raised my children. One song in particular was "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day; I have a beautiful feeling that everything's going my way... " and so many more... lots from the movie... "Oklahoma" which she was chosen as lead for as a child, and never forgot the songs. I LOVED every moment of my childhood... The youngest memory I have of my mother is of her singing to me and making a shadow show for me in a crib as a baby, when I was sick <3 I am truly blessed.
Day 3. ~ A picture of the cast of your favorite show.
The Sound of Music Then & Now
One because it's a musical, & it's the most beautiful love story... wholesome and heartwarming. And I just love Julie Andrews. There are so many other shows I could have chosen, but this is the one that kept coming back to me and has been a favorite for so many years, and I will never tire of it.
Day 4. ~ A habit you wish you didn't have...
Talking too much when nervous... :(
Day 5. ~ A picture of your favorite memory.
<3 The Day We Were Married <3
Day 6. ~ A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
This a picture of my Maternal Grandmother as a child studying for Ballet. I would love to have been there the day she met my Grandfather and know how if felt to work together with him on Broadway, she being a Prima Ballerina and he being a Tap Dancer and Producer on Broadway in NYC. Just thinking about that joy they must have felt and the joy of dancing and entertainment. One of the things I had always wanted to do was to be a dancer/singer... But, as it is written, I am satisfied with my present circumstances and my life today and how it all worked out. I love my life and where God has Placed me in HIS wisdom for such a time as this.
Day 7. ~ A picture of your most treasured item.
<3 My almost 29 years of Marriage <3
at our favorite most vacationing place, on the left, the Maine Coastline.
at our favorite most vacationing place, on the left, the Maine Coastline.
Day 8. ~ A picture that makes you laugh.
My husband is always doing something to make me laugh, and this is one of the most recent... in fact everyone was laughing... at a family gathering for the March Birthdays <3
Day 9. ~ A picture of a person who has gotten you through the most.
My husband, Fred who has been there for me for over 30 years through thick and thin and picked me up when I was at my lowest & made me the happier than I ever knew I could be... Truly a God send and an answer to my prayers.
Day 10. ~ A picture of the person you'd do the most crazy things with.
That would absolutely have to be my sister-in-law, Dottie, she just knows how to have fun and make me do things I would never do if I weren't with her... she has no worries about what others might be thinking, she just wants to have fun, and she does, and will do almost, whatever it takes to make you have fun and laugh... If there is anyone you want to have at a party to make it a success it is my Dottie <3
Day 11. ~ A picture of something you do not like.
This is a picture of me when I was little; and the thing I do not like is how short my mother used to cut my bangs LOL <3 ugh x0x0x0
Day 12. ~ A picture of something you love.
A Collage of my family
Day 13. ~ A picture of your favorite band or artist.
I love his voice & songs, what a gift.
Day 14. ~ A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
My husband, Fred <3 the Love of my Life ~ I love this picture of him on the Iron overlooking NYC across the Hudson River... taking a brake. I prayed everyday he left for work, and asked the LORD, to send Angels with him to protect him and bring him home to me safely... and HE DID... my hubby is now retired... thank you, Jesus.
Day 15. ~ A picture of something you want to do before you die.
A picture of Teramo, Italy, where my Paternal Grandparents and father moved to America from. We still own the home my grandmother grew up in on the coast of the Adriatic sea... I WOULD LOVE to visit there... My cousins who still live there still use the house for their summer home. This is a picture I would also love to paint with oils... <3
Day 17. ~ A picture of someone who's made a
Hugh impact in your life recently.
Day 18. ~ A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Hugh impact in your life recently.
For more reasons than I can explain, my youngest Daughter, hands down has to be that person who has made the most impact on my life recently... she has been not only a daughter, but a friend... I feel the love and she truly makes me feel loved and accepted... and shows/tells me how she feels about me and helps me in more ways than I can express in words. I love you, Kimmi <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
This is a picture that describes Confrontation, to me. I would have to say, that the thing that is my biggest insecurity, is CONFRONTATION, with anyone!
Day 19. ~ A picture of you when you were little.
Here is a picture of me at approximately three months old.
Day 20. ~ A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 20. ~ A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
I would most like to visit Piccadilly Circus in England where my Maternal Grandparents grew up and lived. It's been told to my by my mother, that he used to tell her as a young child that he wanted to take her there, because he loved it so much, and used to got there all the time when he lived there. In addition to that, I have been working on our family tree on this side, and I have yet to finish some must desired research, which I think would benefit me to be there in person to be able to find more details.
20 weeks: The child can hear and recognize mother's voice. Though still small and fragile, the baby is growing rapidly and could possibly survive if born at this stage. Fingernails and fingerprints appear. Sex organs are visible. Using an ultrasound device, the doctor can tell if the child is a girl or a boy. The one on the left is a baby girl.
Day 21. ~ A picture of something you wish you could forget.
This is a picture of something I wish I could forget but at the same time, if we don't remember it, and share awareness... nothing will be done to stop it.
<3 Abortion <3
I think every woman has the right to know and understand what is happening inside her body before making such drastic decisions, and sadly it happens without a parent's consent all to often, without the young girl even understanding or knowing what the future has to hold for her, and the advice from good counseling. No one will ever tell you what you will live after you've been through such a horrific situation, and the years of nightmares once (if ever) you realize what you've done. Then trying to forgive yourself is the hardest of all... Trying to counsel these young girls many times you will find out that they never really understand the consequences of what they are actually doing. Young and old alike actually, they are just uneducated, and many times, just frightened... But the Truth sets you free... and a beautiful child being born into this world is a miracle... and there are so many woman who want to adopt, that there is no excuse for abortion in my opinion.
I am a strong advocate of Life, NOT ABORTIONS ~ All Life has a soul at the moment of conception, and belong Only God's. No matter the situation, there is always a life to speak of. No one knows what the child will grow to be. There have been multiudes of testimonies on the subject... one of a rape victim that is now grateful her mother did NOT abort her as told on a talk program I'd seen years ago, by herself in person on the show.
At Eighteen Weeks
The fetus is now about 5 inches long. The child blinks, grasps, and moves her mouth. Hair grows on the head and body.20 weeks: The child can hear and recognize mother's voice. Though still small and fragile, the baby is growing rapidly and could possibly survive if born at this stage. Fingernails and fingerprints appear. Sex organs are visible. Using an ultrasound device, the doctor can tell if the child is a girl or a boy. The one on the left is a baby girl.
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) This is very graphic & grievous to say the least.
This method is used up to 18 weeks' gestation. Instead of the loop-shaped knife used in D&C abortions, a pair of forceps is inserted into the womb to grasp part of the fetus. The teeth of the forceps twist and tear the bones of the unborn child. This process is repeated until the fetus is totally dismembered and removed. Usually the spine must be snapped and the skull crushed in order to remove them.
Day 22. ~ A picture of something you wish you were better at.
I Love my piano, and have one similar to this one in black as well. I wish I were better at playing, even though I started taking lessons at 5 years old, and can read notes, and play by ear, and sooth myself and grandchildren with playing, I wish I did not have the nervousness of playing in front of others, so I could use my gift, more often; BUT, REALLY, want to play any Boogie Woogie music if my fingers knew the songs themselves... which is something I've yet to accomplish without reading the music. I would love to just sit down and play any type of that sort of music whenever I wanted.
Day 23. ~ A picture of your favorite book.
<3 My Bible <3
Day 24. ~ A picture of something you wish you could change.
I know, and believe that it is so important to keep our freedom, that our young men and women must and do go to war. But, IF I Could change that, I would bring them all home from around the world. But, I know I can't because it is written in the Word of God that there will be wars and rumors of wars until HE, Jesus Christ returns, to take back His Kingdom on this earth, and bring Real Peace. I have several young family members who have gone on and are preparing to go to war now... this being one of them... and I am praying with all my heart as I know that many of you are as well... that the Lord brings them home safely... Lord Willing, Amen & Amen We are told to pray for our leaders, nations, and the peace of Jerusalem until HE returns, & so I Will.
Day 25. ~ A picture of your day.